Information You Can Trust

About Techopedia and our Editorial Process

Our goal at Techopedia is to deliver trustworthy articles that engage our readers and meet their informational and emotional needs.

For 13 years, we’ve committed to our step-by-step teaching model, and we continue to refine our content to create the best how-to experience on the Internet. We’ve helped millions of people solve problems, learn new skills, and feel supported in the ordinary and complex moments of life.

Our mission is to help you better understand technology, and — we hope — make better decisions as a result from defining complex tech jargon in our dictionary, to exploring the latest trends in our articles.

Techopedia aspire to be go-to tech source for professional IT expertise and inspiration.

We aren’t trying to be the first to break news stories; our aim is to be your first resource for thoughtful content to educate about the technologies affecting the marketplace.

Our Expert Team

Techopedia partners with over 100+ experts from a wide range of fields to ensure our content is accurate and based on well-established research and testimony. Content Managers conduct interviews and work closely with each expert to review information, answer reader questions, and add credible advice.


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Our Expert Team

Image for Alan Draper
Alan Draper
48 Articles
Image for Dassos Troullides
Dassos Troullides
Image for Amy Clark
Amy Clark
Image for Dennis Kussel
Dennis Kussel
Image for James Spillane
James Spillane
Image for Johan Wallman
Johan Wallman
Image for garymcfarlane
Image for Michael Simon
Michael Simon
Image for
[email protected]
Image for Roberto Migliore
Roberto Migliore

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Our Editorial Process

Our team of content contributors is composed of tech experts and enthusiasts who bring you reliable information that is also created or fact-checked by industry professionals with serious industry clout.

Accuracy Matters

Producing trusted content means that:

  • We believe in citing sources, like statistics and scientific references within our content;
  • We consider the best sources to include peer-reviewed research, industry associations and government agencies;
  • As new information becomes available, you can depend on us to update our content;
  • We believe in offering multiple viewpoints if and when consensus isn’t clear;
  • We respond to our readers’ feedback and concerns by taking immediate action to update any inaccurate or outdated content;
  • Do we have sponsored content? Yes. But we’ll clearly indicate it as such.

Sponsorship and Ad Policy

Techopedia features ads, sponsored content, affiliate programs and other partnerships as a way of funding our mission. We want you to keep your trust and that means that the integrity of the partners we choose to work with is important to us.

We Don’t Work With Just Anyone

Our sponsorship guidelines ensure editorial integrity — If it isn’t in your best interest, it isn’t for us. For more information, please read our advertising policy.

Our Impact

People from all over the world come to Techopedia to learn how to do something they’ve never done before. No matter the topic, Techopedia is a platform that allows you to find comfort in the fact that the pursuit of knowledge is common ground — we all have something to learn, and we can all learn together.


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