Ponzi Scheme

What is a Ponzi Scheme?

A Ponzi scheme is a type of investment scam that promises investors high returns with little or no risk but pays them from the funds received from new investors.


As they do not generate profits legitimately from business or investment activity, such schemes need a constant flow of new funds to continue. The organizers typically focus on soliciting new investors to pay existing investors and extract funds for their personal enrichment. The scheme collapses when there are no new investors to pay previous investors, who then lose their funds.

Cryptocurrencies have become a new hot asset class for investors to potentially profit from, but high volatility and a lack of regulation have also attracted many perpetrators of scams and fraudulent activities, including Ponzi schemes.

Where Did the Term Ponzi Scheme Originate?

The name comes from Charles Ponzi, a fraudster who became infamous in the early 20th century for promising hundreds of victims that they would receive large returns on investments in international reply coupons (IRCs) for postage stamps. He intended to use foreign exchange arbitrage to generate profits.

But when the Universal Postal Union suspended IRC sales, Ponzi continued the scheme for over a year, paying investors with the funds he received from new investments.

Are Ponzi Schemes Legal?

Ponzi schemes are illegal, but the law can be difficult to apply to cryptocurrencies running on decentralized blockchains with no single jurisdiction or centralized chains in areas with less stringent oversight.

According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Ponzi scheme organizers often use the latest technology or innovation to entice investors, as they tend to be less skeptical of an opportunity that promises something novel or “cutting-edge.”

In the cryptocurrency markets, the organizer of a Ponzi scheme claims to have an innovative blockchain protocol or unique tokenomics model that can enable coin or token buyers to make substantial, guaranteed profits – often unrealistically high.

Cryptocurrencies are becoming a common target for Ponzi schemes, as many average investors do not understand blockchain technology fully or how to evaluate cryptocurrency as an asset class. Additionally, crypto transactions have greater privacy and less regulatory oversight than fiat currencies. This creates opportunities for scammers who claim they are experts in the technology.

How Does a Ponzi Scheme Work?

  • Attracting investors. Organizers often use social media marketing or online forums to create an impression of exclusivity to entice investors into believing they are joining an exclusive group in a sophisticated investment that will pay them high returns for getting in on the ground floor. These returns are typically much higher than legitimate investments can provide, which should be a red flag.
  • Paying early investors. To create the appearance of legitimacy, the organizer pays out returns to early investors, who may then spread the word that the opportunity is real. These payments are made from the investments of new participants rather than from actual profits.
  • Encouraging reinvestment. The scheme operator may encourage investors to reinvest their profits with the promise of even higher returns. This tactic keeps the scheme going and aims to prevent investors from withdrawing their funds.
  • Collapse and disappearance. Late-stage Ponzi schemes are often characterized by problems with investors being able to access funds or complete withdrawals. The scheme will end when it is eventually unable to attract enough new investors to pay earlier investors or the operators exit with the funds, leaving the rest of the investors with significant losses.

Warning Signs of a Ponzi Scheme

There are some common warning signs that indicate a potential investment could be a Ponzi scheme:

  • Promises of low-risk high returns
  • Promises of consistent returns despite market volatility
  • Complex, secretive strategies
  • Difficulty receiving payments
  • Lack of liquidity

How to Protect Yourself from Crypto Ponzi Schemes

There are some steps you can take to avoid falling victim to a crypto Ponzi scheme:

  • Research. You should always thoroughly research any crypto investment opportunity before risking your money and be skeptical of any that appear too good to be true. Ask questions about the investment opportunity, the development team, and their track record. Legitimate projects should have transparent and well-documented information about their operations and strategy. As a general rule, you should avoid investing in projects you do not understand or for which there is no complete information available.
  • Diversify. Avoid placing all your funds into a single investment. Diversifying your portfolio can help mitigate the risk of heavy losses.
  • Trust your instincts. If you are pressured to invest quickly, or you feel unsure as something does not seem right, step back and reconsider. Scammers often use high-pressure tactics to push potential victims into making hasty decisions.
  • Regulatory compliance. Check that the investment or platform you are considering complies with relevant regulations in your jurisdiction. Many Ponzi schemes operate outside the bounds of the law.

The Bottom Line

Cryptocurrency markets offer the potential for investors to make significant returns, but they are also fraught with risks, including Ponzi schemes. Understanding how these schemes work and taking the necessary precautions can help protect you from falling victim to fraudulent activities.

Keep in mind that if an investment opportunity seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always conduct due diligence before investing in the crypto space.


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Nicole Willing

Nicole Willing has two decades of experience in writing and editing content on technology and finance. She has developed expertise in covering commodity, equity, and cryptocurrency markets, as well as the latest trends across the technology sector, from semiconductors to electric vehicles. Her background in reporting on developments in telecom networking equipment and services and industrial metals production gives her a unique perspective on the convergence of Internet-of-Things technologies and manufacturing.